Tuesday, January 12, 2010

London Update

This was going to be a post of the neat things I had made for the London Expedition (Departing to-night!), but my sewing machine died on me. (Which is dissapointing because it was going to be cool) I'll finish them when I get back and get my sewing machine repaired.

This means that I will have to find stuff there. Stay tuned for reporting live from the Bohemian parts of London. (As soon as I figure out where those parts are) :p

I did get my utility vambraces finished enough for use, however, so here's picture of them. For those art critics among you, this is only phase two and any input will be gratefully accepted

Educational Note:
Steampunks enjoy dressing anachronistically, usually according to Victorian rules (but not always, for example, I have something Chinese I'm going to try) and often make up back-stories to explain their odd garb. This is related to Cos-Playing but that's another post.
If this makes no sense to you, go get some Victorian clothing and an odd mechanical device or two and make up a story. Now go walk around like this. You'll enjoy it, trust me.

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